Schools Package.
Do you have children in your class whose behaviour sometimes makes no sense to you?
Do you sometimes feel that you are missing a vital piece of the jigsaw of that child’s internal world?
Do you occasionally wonder why that learner is simply not performing as you know they could?
News from our CoECT Schools Team.
Our founding members Sair Penna and Sarah Naish are part of the CoECT Schools Team, and along with their colleagues Daniel Thrower &, Anne Oakley (The Wensum Trust) and Hannah O'Brien (Wickselm House Learning Centre CIC) are co-authors of The A-Z of Trauma- Informed Teaching which launched in August 2023.
Who This Membership Is For...
Are you a School SENCO, Designated teacher for Looked-after-Children and previously looked-after-children, or a Family support worker, who works closely with families?
The NATP has been making sense of complex children’s behaviour for quite a long time and has been identifying those key jigsaw pieces for Parents and Supporting Professionals who may need insight into the barriers to learning which children may have in school.
We are now being asked by parents if we can identify a way of bridging the gap between themselves and school. Supporting schools pastoral care to enable the child to feel safe in the school environment in order to access education, and engage in learning which meets their needs.
We are also aware of the extreme pressure that teachers are under to deliver results from the government, which may lead to teacher burn out and compassion fatigue, yet the need to still find time to have the connection with children who are struggling to learn within the school environment.
So we have come up with a solution – in the form of a membership just for schools.
Membership includes:
Schools Welcome pack with a selection of published books from the CoECT team (including Sarah Naish's children's books and a selection of therapeutic parenting books. From August this includes the new A-Z in Trauma informed Teaching.)
Specific Listening Circles for teachers and support staff covering all aspects of trauma informed teaching. Held in person and online.
Closed NATP Facebook groups for members and Supporting Professionals.
Empathic Listening - 1 session per month for allocated member of staff.
Online Trauma informed & Therapeutic Teaching Resources tailored to schools via the Trauma Revolution Training Pass.
25% discount off corporate wellbeing sessions through The Haven Parenting and Wellbeing Centre Ltd.
Access to NATP Members Services Telephone Line Monday - Thursday 9:30am - 4:30pm.
Bi-monthly paper copy of the TIPs magazine. (Trauma-Informed Parents Magazine)

Schools Package
Every year