Have you ever lost it
Ever got it wrong
We must chose to forgive ourselves
Learn and then move on
We can’t be held accountable
For things we never knew
When Parenting the standard way
Was all there was to do
Now we have much info
The research is quite clear
Therapeutic Parenting
For those we hold most dear
We have to find our triggers
So we are more aware
Of those really tricky moments
That interrupt our care
Honesty is difficult
We have to look quite deep
To find those dreaded memories
That knock us off our feet
Or is it your strong moral code
That oft gets in the way
Of letting go of little things
That pile up through the day
Maybe it is rooted
In the way that you were raised
Perhaps Love was conditional
With very little praise
Or is it dreaded trauma
Lurking deep inside
That takes you to an ugly place
From which you’d rather hide
None of us are perfect
We’re bound to make mistakes
Regular repairing
Is often all it takes
Repairing with our children
Can often be quite tough
To really say you’re sorry
When you’ve just had enough
That’s when we need to realise
The real work starts with us
Delinking all our own triggers
Plus self care is a must
Put the past behind behind you
Throw your guilt into the bin
Tomorrow is another day
Let that day begin!
© Sarah Dillon - NATP Founding Member.